Monday, January 24, 2011

Mohs hardness profile on the 10-point scale

Diamond is a gemstone frequently incorporated into some of the most modern, handmade jewelry beautiful in the world. This is a clear stone for its ability to reflect light and is widely revered as the stone for April and the central stone in most American engagement rings, used recognized. But for its current use and associations, rice pearl necklace diamonds hold decadent history, mythological, spiritual and etymological that nostalgic value to their already strong aesthetic values. Read the fall for more information to help you in love with your diamond jewelry - or inspire you so far!

Diamonds are valued for their beauty and durability. Form of carbon is diamond the hardest material known to the natural world. In fact, the word "diamond" comes from the Greek Adamas, who is invincible. Because of their durability, used diamond tool since ancient times. Diamonds were first used as symbols of religions in India about 2500 years. Since then they have coveted stones.

Diamonds are often described and valued by their gemological characteristics: the four Cs (carat, color, cut and clarity). Although diamonds are used in many types of jewelry, they are traditionally associated with engagement rings and wedding. Most people think diamonds are white or colorless. Diamonds In fact, yellow and brown mostly. Each diamond is painted with a shade other than brown or yellow, ribbon pearl necklace like a diamond. Diamonds are pure or almost colorless. Color scale for colorless diamonds goes from D (colorless) to Z (light yellow).

Diamonds look best as a piece of jewelry in the evening in conjunction with black onyx, amethyst paired dark or cool blue sapphire. More casual combinations easier wedding color blends with aquamarine, pearls and carnelian. Diamond, as a rule, complex rock that works well with any outfit simple. In earrings, it works especially well for improving the brightness of blue or green eyes.

Nearly half of all diamonds from mines in central and southern Africa. The other half comes from mines in Canada, India, Russia, pearl pendant Brazil and Australia. Today, the jewelry industry is of high quality diamonds created in a laboratory or buzz. These synthetic diamonds possess the same molecular structure as natural diamonds. With public concern over the mining industry, these man-made beauty offer an attractive alternative to the real thing.

Mohs hardness profile on the 10-point scale, 10 are the most stable, like a diamond, and 1 is easily scratched, as they say on. Diamonds are often as real because they scratch. Because they're diamond stones, scratch-resistant ideal for both often wear jewelry. Diamonds should be regularly sweeter by a specialist or a soft cloth with soap and water purification. Avoid ultrasonic cleaners, solvents and chemicals to clean jewelry the impact of these elements can damage semi-precious and precious stones and pearls.

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